Manufactured “Designer” Sintered
Aggregate from waste materials & process by-products.
here to view our video.
Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) from a coal fired power station
producing electricity has long been established as
a prime material for the manufacture of high strength
lightweight aggregate using a Sinterstrand. Providing
the ash quality is consistent, a high quality product
is made.
The coal used will change
as new contracts are placed in the world market. Different
coals produce different ash which will also vary depending
on the power station load and output consistency, the
carbon content being one of the major variants. These
variations can be disastrous for the Sinterstrand process.
Clay and shale based lightweight aggregates have traditionally
been manufactured using cement style rotary kilns.
The clays and shales used are chosen specifically for
their natural bloating quality. However these materials
are not widely available.
The Trefoil Process
The Trefoil process is based on rotary kiln technology.
The Trefoil kiln, with its unique features, has double
the capacity of a conventional rotary kiln of the same
size. The Trefoil kiln motion ensures even firing of
the aggregate. Combustion air can be introduced at
zones along the kiln giving greater control over the
combustion process.
The Process incorporates the burning out of organic
and carbon fuel from within the pellet which makes
the aggregate lightweight. The organic fuel is in the
form of waste materials, typically sewage cake, the
biodegradable part of municipal solid waste etc. These
wastes supply the fuel for the thermal part of the
process, make the aggregate lightweight and revenue
is earned from their disposal.
The bulk of the aggregate filler material is a combination
of ash and clay. PFA is the material which produces
the aggregate strength. It has to be blended with an
amount of clay to enable the PFA/clay/sewage cake to
make a pellet durable enough to be transported through
the process. The proportions of materials can be varied
to give different aggregate qualities and also allow
the introduction of other materials. The aggregate
produced is therefore designed to meet its end need
rather than be a resultant product of the input material.
Designer Aggregates
The blending of materials enables aggregates of differing
densities and strengths to be produced The energy for
the process comes from the waste materials used which
earn revenue for their disposal and make the aggregate
lightweight The process enables the operator to have
the financial choice between aggregate strengths and
revenues from both the aggregate and the
input materials.
Materials Used
For all materials a balance has to be determined between
waste revenue, effect on product and resulting product
revenue, cost to incorporate into process and effects
on emissions.
Bulking materials
Any material which can be handled, dried to powder
and will sinter below 1200°C including:
• Clay
• Other ashes from MSW, CHP, sewage incineration
• Shales
• Aggregate crushing / washing fines
• Glass fines (also acts as flux)
Fuel Materials
Any biodegradable material which can be handled and
can either be dry powdered or with slurry including:
• Sewage cake
• Biodegradable part of MSW
• Carbon ash / slag from pyrolysis / gasification
• Paper pulp cake
• Farming slurries and chicken / turkey wastes
/ animal by-products
• Effluent sludge
Designer Aggregate Options
The mixing process used to form the aggregate pellet
allows the ratios of the materials used to be varied.
This enables choice between strength, density and revenue.
The strength of the aggregate is given by the bulking
material used; PFA is an excellent base material to
give high strength. The process does not facilitate
the manufacture aggregate only from PFA. The dried
green pellet (before entering the kiln) has to have
sufficient strength to withstand the transport between
the pelletising process, the dryer and delivery to
the kiln and then the thermal shock of entering the
kiln, which is not possible with PFA alone. To give
the pellet green strength when dried a binder must
be added. The simplest binder to use is a non-bloating
Depending on the clay, usually a 10% minimum
is needed, although some clays will work with as little
as 5%. The aggregate with the 10% clay content is very
similar to an all PFA aggregate produced on a Sinterstrand.
The clay ratio can be increased up to 30% with virtually
no noticeable changes in characteristics of the final
aggregate. This additional clay can be very useful
when balancing against a higher carbon content in PFA.
This would otherwise require an extended burn out time
in the kiln thus reducing output. By increasing the
clay content high carbon in the PFA level can be compensated
for in the overall pellet mix. This PFA and clay mix,
without organics, will produce an aggregate with a
loose bulk density of around 900kg/m3. The process
would require burners to be used to achieve the sintering.
One of the basics of the Trefoil Process is the addition
in the pellet mix of sewage cake or other organic materials.
The burning out of this material from within the pellet
creates voids which makes the aggregate lighter in
weight. This process starts at the pellet stage. The
green pelletisation process needs around 20% moisture.
The pellets are then dried with the process maintaining
the pellet size. This effectively loosens the compaction
within the pellet enabling easier combustion of the
volatiles. The volatile material combustion starts
immediately on the green pellet being fed from the
chute entering the kiln helping the bed temperature
rise quickly. The feed end of the kiln has a bed temperature
of 500°C. This rapidly rises to 800°C which is the
temperature at which the carbon burn out from the PFA
Temperatures are measured along the kiln length with
the profile shown on the control screen. The optimum
position for the 1170°C sintering is ¾ of
the way through the kiln. The kiln runs with a fixed
bed and the sintering position is adjusted by altering
the feed rate. Combustion air is fed into the kiln in
two locations, at the discharge hood and the close to
the feed end.
Limiting the combustion air at the discharge end will
control the PFA burn out. When balanced, the kiln will
be operating entirely from the energy within the pellet
mix. The volatile material in the pellet entering the
kiln requires excess combustion air and this is fed into
the kiln a ¼ of the way along from the feed hood.
The density of the aggregate is governed by the bulking
materials used and the burnout of the biodegradables.
By increasing the biodegradables in the pellet mix the
aggregate manufacture will be lighter. The introduction
of the sewage cake to the basic PFA/clay mix adds important
fuel to the process, and reduces the aggregate density
from 900kg/m3 to 850kg/m3.
It is the moisture in the
sewage cake which determines the amount of cake which
can be put into the pelletising process. The pelletisers
work at around 20% moisture. If a lighter aggregate is
desired then more organics need to be added to the mix.
To enable this to happen the incoming material needs
to be dryer than the 22-24% dry solids sewage cake. The
biodegradable (BMW) part of municipal solid waste (MSW),
when separated using a conventional materials recycling
facility (MRF), will be around 40% dry solids. Therefore
for the same moisture content considerably more organics,
of similar energy values to that contained in the undigested
sewage cake, can be added to the aggregate with resultant
reduction in density. In operation it will probably be
a mixture of sewage cake and BMW used. Not all manufactured
aggregates will need the high strength of the traditional
PFA aggregate. Other bulking materials which are fee
earning can be used to dilute the PFA and manufacture
an aggregate of a lower strength aimed at specific fit
for purpose uses.
Excess Heat Energy
A stand alone Trefoil Plant uses its kiln exhaust for
the clay drying process. Exhaust leaves the kiln at around
1150°C and cooled (water cooled) to around 500°C before
entering the drying process, so dumping valuable energy,
therefore the Trefoil Plant has the potential for excess
heat energy for an alternative use. |